Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Arrival

Say Hello to the newest member of our family. Cody finally gave in and let us get a horse (pony). Peaches is a very good kids horse and as you can see she is beautiful. The kids love her and we hope she will love it here too. For now the kids have to ride her bareback until we can find a kids sattle so if you know of any let us know. I'm not going to ride her again until we get a saddle.


becki said...

Oh my gosh! Your kids keep growing over night... or it seems that way because I don't get to see them that often. I am so glad you started a blog. It makes me miss you guys more.

Ok i need to come up and ride peaches... actually she looks too small for me so maybe i ill just pet her.

Carli said...

She is so pretty! Are your kids so excited?

Kevin and Kerry said...

Hey, I am waiting for some more updates....keep em coming!!

becki said...

you're fired! SHow me something new!

becki said...

you're so fired!!!!