Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our new addition to our family

Welcome to life on the farm. We have been waiting for Cheela to have her babies. I had just checked on her and then walked by her twenty minutes later and she had delivered two babies. I was sad I wanted to see her have them. We sat down and watched her and her babies for awhile when she started pushing again. I did get t0 see her deliver the last kid and I so nicely caught it on camera so I could share it with you. This black one is a boy and she had two white ones that look just like her, one being a boy and the other a girl. As soon as they are big enough we will be renting them out for lawn mowers so make your reservation soon before they are all booked.

This is the kids head sticking out with the sack still around it. Cool Huh!


becki said...

holy grossss crap! That's amazing! They are so little. I want to play with them. You could start a petting zoo.

Carli said...

That is crazy! I think you should bring one with you so we can play with it!